Application Store - Intrexx Share 2.1 Add-on - Chat

The Chat add-on can be imported into the portal as usual. You'll find a file in the download package that cannot be imported automatically. In the internal/cfg/spring directory in the downloaded ZIP file you'll find the file 40-share-chat-context.xml. Copy this to your Portal directory internal/cfg/spring and restart the portal service.

When you open the add-on in the browser you'll also find the navigation bar from Intrexx Share that enables you to directly switch to Intrexx Share. You can also switch to the add-on via the navigation bar from within Intrexx Share. In doing so, you'll barely notice that you've left Intrexx Share and are now in the Intrexx Chat add-on. Intrexx Share and Intrexx Share add-ons flow seamlessly into one another.

1. Create chat

Click on Start now and create your first chat.

My message

Enter your message here.

Select recipients / Selected recipients

In the Select recipients list you'll find all portal users who can be selected for the chat. Any users who are moved to the Selected recipients list will receive your message.

Participants can add/remove other users

With this setting, the participants of the current chat can modify who receives the message. Click on Send.

2. Online status

The following stipulations apply if you want to show whether a user is online:
  1. The setting Activate messenger needs to be activated in the Portal properties / Options.
  2. The option for displaying the online status must be activated in the Settings.

3. Settings

Click on Settings.

Show archived chats if they were replied to?

With this setting, chats that have already replied to will be shown in the main area again as soon as somebody replies to it.

More pager after how many messages (default: 20)?

Shows a navigation element that can be used to switch between pages. You can define how many messages are shown on each page here.


The following options are available for displaying your online status: Click on OK to save your settings.

The online status is shown with a small colored symbol at the bottom rigt of the profile picture thumbnails (e.g. in the Contacts).

If the Portal/Sessions setting is active, then the status is shown as follows: If you move the mouse over the symbol in the user image, the online status will be shown in a quicktip as text.

4. Participate in the chat

If a user, who has been added to a chat by the chat creator, opens the chat, they can enter their answer in the text field in the middle area of the chat and submit their message by clicking on Send. They also have the ability to add a file attachment.

And here is the perspective of the chat creator.

5. Create new chat

Next to the Settings there are other buttons at the top-left such as New chat. It opens the same page that is opened when you click on Start now and create your first chat when you open Intrexx Chat for the first time.

6. Archive

Click on Archive will switch to the archived chats.

Click on Search to open a page where you can enter a search term. You can choose whether you want to search for the term in messages, files or images. Search results that are shown beneath the search field can be opened by clicking on the text.

8. Administration

Click on this button to open a page where you can modify the participants list of the currently opened chat and change the setting as to whether participants have permission to add other participants.

9. Archive chat

Archives the currently opened chat. The entire chat is then hidden from the homepage.

10. Manage participants

Opens a page where the list of participants for the currently opened chat can be modified.

11. Leave chat

With this button, the current user is removed from the list of participants.

12. Activate/Deactivate email notifications

Activates the sending of emails that contain information about new chats or posts.

13. Mobile use

Intrexx Chat can also be used on mobile devices. To do that, the m_Start page from the Intrexx Chat application needs to be integrated into the Mobile menu structure.

14. Edit your messages later

By default, editing your messages later is deactivted. This setting can be changed in the application. Open the application in the Applications module to do that. Open the file chatContent.vm in the desktop folder and set the $showEditButton variable to true.

Please note that United Planet assumes no liability for errors made while adjusting Velocity scripts.

15. Additional control for displaying new messages

With the additional control for Intrexx Chat, the number of new messages can be displayed wherever you'd like in the layout. Furthermore, the control will show new messages at the bottom-right of the browser window, if the user is currently not in Chat. To set up the additional control, please carry out the following steps: Create a backup of your portal layout. Then, open your layout in the Design module so that you can edit it. The structure of the layout is depicted in the Layout area.

To add the additional control, for example next to the logo, select the first Row as the external container. Select Insert new element at bottom / Other elements / VTL Include from the context menu.

Enter the file path internal/application/resource/CCF0B49F13489BACC22DFCCA8AD8B3B8B556810C/actioncontrol/chat.vm here and click on Next until the element is finished.

Move the element to the position of your choice and set the height and width to 30px. Save the layout.

The Intrexx Share Chat control will now show the number of received messages - next to the company logo in our example.

Furthermore, the control will show notifications for new messages at the bottom-right of the browser window. By clicking on the notification, the chat will be opened in a small window and can be replied to directly from here.