Drop-down list / Listbox - Entries

Applications module Drop-down list / Listbox Properties

1. Values from applications

Application, Data group, Data field

Select the application, data group and data field whose values should be saved in the drop-down list.

Clicking on this button opens a dialog where a filter can be defined.

Opens a dialog for the data mapping.

Hide duplicate entries

This setting has the effect of only showing values, that show up multiple times in the connected data field, once. In the database, a Distinct query will be sent, filtering the data records.

Maximum number of entries

You can limit the number of entries in the list. With the value -1, all entries will be shown.


The Sorting of the drop-down list can be adjusted by clicking on Sorting.

Adjust display value for saved value

With this setting, the data field that you have selected in the Values from applications area will be used. If this setting is not active, you can define the displayed values yourself. In this case, the value that is saved is that of the data field that you have selected in the Values from applications area.

Displayed values

Displays the currently defined displayed value

Displayed values
Opens a dialog where the data fields that provide values can be selected.

2. Values from references

With this setting, references can be selected from the current application or other applications as sources for the entries in the drop-down list. The settings are essentially the same as the settings in the drop-down list for Values from applications.

3. User-defined values

User-defined values are values that do not stem from a data source, but rather are entered statically.

Data type of the stored value

Select the desired Data type of the stored value here.

Add new user-defined value
By clicking on this button, a new value can be created.

Delete user-defined value
The highlighted entry will be removed.

Edit user-defined value
The selected value can be edited.

Change the order of the entries.


The entry which has been selected in the Default column, is preselected when the page is loaded in the browser.

4. Special data sources

Class names that provide the drop-down list entries can be selected here.

Class Displayed value Saved value
User-defined modification This option is used for internal modifications to settings
CountryListProcessor Country name Country code
DsContainerListProcessor Container objects GUID of the container object
DsCustomClassListProcessor User-defined classes. If a class is not defined in the settings, users will be returned. So that classes are returned, the required class ID needs to be specified via a setting: Class ID
DsDistListListProcessor Distribution list GUID of the distribution list
DsGroupListProcessor User groups GUID of the user group
DsOrgUnitListProcessor Organizational units GUID of the organizational unit
DsOrganizationListProcessor Organizations GUID of the organization
DsRoleListProcessor Roles GUID of the role
DsUserProcessor Users GUID of the user
LanguageListProcessor Languages Language code
LocaleListProcessor Language formats Language code in combination witht the language code
PortalGroupLanguageListProcessor Portal languages - the active portal languages are at the top of the list and the inactive languages are listed below Language code
TimezoneListProcessor Time zones Time zone