Plugin - Lifecycle and time management

Applications module Data group Properties Plugins tab / Create new Share plugin


Options for the creation of a post

By clicking on , the conditions for generating a post can be defined.

Positioning of post on time line

With the setting Positioning of post on time line, the order that the posts appear in in Intrexx Share can be influenced. Click on Edit position to adjust the settings.


Here, you can define which users should have access to the plugin's posts within Intrexx Share. If a user has subscribed to the plugin, meaning they've swithched it on in Intrexx Share, then the permissions that are controlled in the underlying data group apply. For example, if the user has the permission there to approve an investment request, this user can communicate the approval using Intrexx Share as well. To be able to read the post in Intrexx Share, the user also needs the corresponding permissions in the underlying application, data group and page. Click on Configuration of the visibility for this plugin to change the settings.

Filter for removal from the stream

With a Filter for removal from the stream, the data records will be archived from the data group; i.e. they will no longer be visible in the current feeds in Intrexx Share. By clicking Configure archival filter, you can define which data records should be displayed. All data records that do not fulfill the filter criteria will be hidden.

Time management

In the Time management area, a plugin can be set as urgent, important, or overdue. Classifying something as important and/or urgent refers dates back to the U.S. President Eisenhower. For this reason, the classification of a task into four states is known as the Eisenhower Quadrant. A detailed description of the states follows:

Important and urgent

These tasks must be carried out immediately, and no postponement can be tolerated. This means Risk: Loss of quality


These tasks should be precisely scheduled, and carried out at the planned time. This means Risk: Tasks not commenced punctually

The values for important tasks can be taken from a data field that you can select underneath this setting.


Urgent tasks can be delegated to competent employees or colleagues. This means tasks from the day to day running of the business with all of its disturbances, and often without any questioning of meaning, purpose or process. Herein lies potential. The values for urgent tasks can be taken from a data field that you can select underneath this setting.


Feeds that are categorized as ‚unimportant’ are purely information, and do not require any action to be taken. This means Feeds in this category belong in leisure time, or in the trash can.

Overdue from

For overdue plugins, a data field must be selected that contains the date from which the plugin will be considered overdue. The due date can be qualified by using the date adjustment.