Export and import

User-defined attributes (Custom fields)
Data transfer
Users - Schemas
User and group import
Web service
Application texts and constants
Search facets
SAP Gateway


On the startpage of the Portal Manager, entire portals, including all their data, can be exported and imported via the menu Portal / Export portal and Portal / Import portal, respectively. To do this, you must be logged in to the portal and possess the appropriate access permissions.


In the Applications module, applications can be exported via the main menu item File / Export application, including the processes, relationship charts, group permissions, referenced applications and configuration files connected to them. Applications can be imported from the menu File / Import application.


In the Processes module, processes can be exported via the menu item File / Export process. Processes can be imported from the menu File / Import process.


In the Relationships module, relationship diagrams can be exported via the menu item File / Export relationship diagram. Relationship diagrams can be imported from the menu File / Import relationship diagram.

User-defined attributes (Custom fields)

When importing applications, processes or relations from another source portal, references to user-defined attributes in the User Manager of the original portal must be taken into account. If the user-defined attribute is not contained in the User Manager of the target portal, a message will be displayed stating that the missing attributes must be entered in the Schema Manager in the User Manager belonging to the current portal.


In the Design module, layouts can be exported via the menu item File / Export layout. Layouts can be imported from the menu File / Import layout.

Data transfer

If you're in the Integration module, configurations for data transfer connections can be exported from the menu Edit / Export. Configurations for data transfer connections can be imported from the menu Edit / Import.


M-Files configurations are automatically exported when the portal is exported, and then reinserted when the portal is imported. If an individual configuration is to be exported to another portal, this is currently only possible using the file system.

The configuration files are located within the portal directory under internal/cfg/mfiles. Each configuration consists of an XML file whose name corresponds to the configuration GUID.

If a configuration is to be transferred to another portal, you can simply copy the appropriate file and paste it into the same subdirectory of the target portal. After restarting the portal server, the configuration will be available in the Integration module.


If an Intrexx application has references to OData or Microsoft Office 365, these configurations can be included in the export packet when the application is exported. When you start the process for exporting an application, you'll automatically be asked in the course of export process if you would also like to export the OData configuration.

Users - Schemas

The properties of all objects and attributes, which are defined in the User Manager for the current portal, can be exported as an XML file from the Schema menu in the Schema manager. An export file of this type can also be reimported in the same way. Deviations from the existing schema will be displayed before the actual import takes place.

In this dialog, click on OK to confirm that the properties of the current schema will be overwritten with those contained in the import file.

User and group import

Intrexx offers several methods for replicating your existing IT infrastructure. In the Users module, you can import data from via Main menu: User / User and group import. You can find more information in the import dialogs by pressing F1. Before users can be replicated from LDAP sources, the LDAP server certificate must be imported via the portal properties.

Web service

If you're in the Integration module, the registration of web services can be exported from the menu Web service / Export web services. Previously exported web services can be imported from the menu Web service / New web service. In the dialog that follows, the exported file can be selected.

Application texts and constants

Global language constants and application texts, such as the title from elements or data fields, can be exported in the formats CSV, XLS or XML. When importing, the format XLSX is also allowed. Constants can be imported and exported from the main menu Portal / Portal properties / Regional settings / Global texts / Global language constants. For application texts this function is available in the Applications module from the menu Application / Export texts and Application / Import texts, respectively.

Search facets

Search facets that are used in portal applications are listed when the application is being imported. When importing, you can assign these to existing facets or create them as new facets.


If an Intrexx application references a SharePoint service, these configurations can be included in the export package when the application is exported. Once you have started the export process, you'll be automatically asked if you would like to also export the SharePoint configuration.

SAP Gateway

If an Intrexx application references an OData service, these configurations can be included in the export package when the application is exported. Once you have started the export process, you'll be automatically asked if you would like to also export the OData configuration.